Friday, October 7, 2011

Remember your priorities

How far along are you with the Kickstarter project, farmboy?

Oh, man, I got live five days left and I'm 90% there. It's slowed down a lot, which I've heard is normal. I'm going to send out a reminder email tomorrow and update the information on facebook. So next week I'm going to start work at a new school with new staff and new students and complete the Kickstarter stuff.

Busy week.

Yeah, I gotta remember to take care of myself, you know, to get sleep and quiet time and all the stuff I need to do to not burn out. I'm nervous about the fuckin' job, but I tend to be nervous about everything, all the time. Like, to use a chiche, the roof's gonna fall in. I'm so overpreparing for it that I can't notice much about what's going on at that moment. Or something like that.

Can I make a suggestion?

Sure, man.

Well, to use a cliche, keep your eyes on the prize. Remember your priorities, remember what's important...


Exactly, farmboy.

Thanks, man. That's so true. Jobs will come and go, but making albums...

That's what's closest to your heart, farmboy.

Yeah. That's what's closest to my soul, man.

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