Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The whole tiredness thing

So I don't have a whole lot to talk about. With the new job placement I'm tired all the fuckin' time. Physically tired. I mean, I come home and I'm sore and fuckin' exhausted, man. So I'm up for a little bit, then I end up sleeping for a couple three hours or so then I'm up. I don't play guitar as much as I'd like -- I mean, I play guitar and I enjoy it, but it's the whole tiredness thing again.

You've got a three-day weekend coming up, right, farmboy?

Yeah, and an inservice Thursday so tomorrow's the last day with students for the week. Veteran's Day.

Listen, man, would it be okay if we talk tomorrow instead?

Of course. Go get some rest, farmboy.

Thanks. Good night, man.

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