Friday, February 18, 2011

It's not freezing, right?

It's Friday and this is the beginning of a three-day weekend. President's Day. Cool, huh?

Unfortunately, I'm fuckin' tired as hell and I'm really fuckin' cold.

How cold is it, farmboy?

Let me check. (goes outside and looks at the thermometer) Thirty-seven degrees. That's not too cold. I mean, it's not freezing, right? I'm just a fuckin' wimp, you know? Pisses me off. Anyway, I'm tired and I'm cold...

So you said. What are you going to do about it?

I thought it might be fun to just whine and complain and be critical of everybody else.

Funny guy.

I'm gonna turn on the heater. I'm also gonna smoke weed 'cause it's Friday and a three-day weekend. I'm gonna surf the internet and relax and eventually go to bed. Get in bed where it's warm.

Get warm, farmboy, and get some rest, okay? Let's talk this weekend if you get the chance.

You got it, man.

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