Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Expert prognosis

My fuckin' mind, man, it's a sick old mind. My thinking is so fragmented that I don't know what to do. Pisses me off.

What do you mean by fragmented, farmboy?

It goes off in a bunch of different directions all the time. Half of them usually involve guilt that says to me "You should be doing all this better."

So, like, anyway, it's like I can't focus on anything completely, and I don't like that. I kinda just want to relax, you know? I've been working all day, I'm fuckin' tired.

So, man, what do you think? What's your expert prognosis?

Just ignore it, do something entertaining to relax your mind, and then go to sleep listening to some music that you enjoy that will put you at ease. That's what I think you should do. How's that, farmboy?

Sounds good to me. Maybe talk at you tomorrow,man?

See you then.

Later, pal.

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