Ah, man, I tell you, I made one fuckin' big-ass mistake today.
It can't be that bad. What did you do, farmboy?
I listened to myself sing on my last CD and I got depressed, man. I just want to be good at what I do and I can't change the basic sound of my voice...
Hold on there, farmboy. You've got a good voice, you're a good singer...
I just don't know. It sure sounded like shit to me. and now I'm doubting some of the songs...
You are not in a good head-space, my friend. You do this. I've seen you do this before. Just left it blow over and don't take it too seriously.
I know, man. But the experience just kind of left me shaken. And I'm not a great singer. My singing is serviceable. That's one of the reasons I have to have A-plus material.
Which you do.
I'm hoping so, but after the songs go out there it's not for me to say.
The songs aren't out there yet. Look, farmboy, it's a cliche but -- all you can do is do your best and let the rest happen. And try to have a good time as you're doing it.
Yeah, you're right. It's gonna take a little bit of time. But what if I feel that way about next week's recording?
Another cliche: You'll cross that bridge when you come to it.
You've got answers to everything, don't you?
No more than you do, farmboy.
I'm just glad that you're on my side, is all.
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