Saturday, July 12, 2014

Talk about the weather

Hey, man, how's life?

Life is fine, farmboy, maybe a little hotter than I like.

Me, too. I've seen worse, though. I mean, when I lived in Austin, Texas.

I bet. Not as bad as Houston, though.

Yeah, Houston, man, it's so fuckin' hot and muggy there. It's a lot closer to the Gulf of Mexico than Austin is. Still, when there's a hurricane or something, it still affects Austin.

Look at us, man. Here we are, two people with rich interior lives, and what do we talk about?

We talk about the weather!

That's an R.E.M. song, by the way. "Talk About the Weather." From, like, the early days. I think it's on that album with "So. Central Rain." Reckoning.  Great stuff, man. From their days in Athens, Georgia.

Now, there it's humid.

You better believe it. I guess. I've never been to Georgia. Maybe that's the reason that Peter Buck lives in Portland, Oregon now.

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