Monday, November 2, 2015

What I think about at 3:30 in the morning

It's November already, man, can you believe it? At this rate, Christmas should be here next week.

It's pretty astounding if you think about it. Time just seems to be moving faster and faster.

I find it scary. I have a problem with thinking about death anyway, and when I notice the speed of time it just gets more severe.

There's nothing you can do about it, farmboy. That's just the way life is.

I know, man, but it's so fuckin' hard. It's what I think about 3:30 in the morning.

Well, that's no good for you, farmboy. You've got enough stress in your life as it is.

I know! It's fuckin' ridiculous. But I can't seem to help it.

We're all like that, farmboy.

You know, I don't think dogs think so much about death.

I'm not sure, but I don't believe they do.

They've got the right idea, man. I've always thought that dogs are generally better and smarter than most humans, and this proves it.

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