Sunday, December 19, 2010

The poster child of introversion


Hey yourself. What are you doing here?

Oh, sor-ry!

That's not what I mean. I thought you were going to a party tonight. Did I get the date wrong?

No, I just was feeling really burnt-out,, so I stayed home. I stayed home and made soup with turkey sausage and lots of vegetables. I put hominy in it. I'm not sure I've ever put hominy in a soup before. It was good. I put too much salt in it, though.

You just didn't feel like going, farmboy?

Oh, man, I don't know...I think I wanted...I day to myself.

And that's okay.

Yeah, I know. I just feel guilty about not going, but, you know, I feel guilty about pretty much fuckin' everything. But, yeah, I know it's okay. I just don't feel social and I was social last night. I get exhausted if I'm too social.

That's because you're an introvert, farmboy. Introverts lose energy from being social; extroverts gain energy from it.

Yeah, then, I am introverted.

And that's...


You got it, farmboy.

I'm the poster child of introversion. Is that a word?

I think so.

Then that's what I am.

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