Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My issues have issues

I am so fuckin' upset and tense and angry about all sorts of things. So I just ate a lot of bad food. I need to calm down. This ain't doin' me no fuckin' good, man. If I had some weed I'd smoke it and then I'd feel better. But I don't want to have to fuckin' smoke weed every day any more, you know?

That's good, farmboy. And you're aware that your usual reactions aren't working as well as you'd like. So how can you calm down?

I know that taking deep breaths helps. Getting my mind off stuff helps, too. Maybe I need to play computer games or play guitar or listen to the radio or something. Maybe I need to talk to somebody. Maybe that's where you come in. It helps to talk to you.

Thanks. Glad to be of service.

It is good to talk about your problems sometimes. I don't have many people I can really talk to, so I appreciate talking with you, man. 

I bet that you could talk to some of your friends, farmboy. 

There are a few, maybe. But I don't want to burden them. I got so many fuckin' problems, man, it's unbelievable. My issues have issues, you know? Pisses me the fuck off. I want to be able to breathe easy for a little bit. Get me away from my fuckin' job and the fuckin' bills and the fuckin' insurance companies.

Fuck, man, the whole fuckin' world wants to make big profits from my meager earnings. But I digress. Plus I don't want to get any more upset.

It doesn't do any good, I know.

Tell me about it, man. I just want to be...well, not necessarily happy...I just want to get back to being farmboy and not somebody's employee or somebody's deep pockets to pick. I want to be able to just be me and enjoy life again.

It'll get better, farmboy. It really will.

I know. Or, rather, I hope so. I don't want to take anything for granted, you know.

It's okay to hope.

I just don't want to be disappointed. I been disappointed enough, man.

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