Monday, June 9, 2014

Corn on the fuckin' cob

So this is the last week of school. Or, really, the last full week with students. Then there's a couple of end-of-the-school-year days. Anyway, the school year is almost over. And, may I say, it's about fuckin' time.

I take it that you're ready for summer, farmboy?

Well, summer is a mixed blessing, man. I mean, it's fuckin' summer, you know? Watermelons and nectarines, man, corn on the fuckin' cob, you hear what I'm saying? But then there's the issue of money, which is a major issue in the summer.

I remember. I've seen you struggle through quite a few summers. But you'll have a new CD…

Yeah, and hopefully that will help. I mean, I need that CD to help. I need to figure out ways to sell it. I need to find places to play.

And you will, farmboy.

I'm so glad to hear you say that, man. I think I may have given up on a lot of things lately.

That's why I'm here -- to remind you of who you really are.

Well, you've got your work cut out for you, man. But I'm sure glad you're here.

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