Thursday, January 1, 2015

What I do like this time of year

Hi, farmboy. Happy 2015!

Yeah, yeah, I been through this every fuckin' year and the older I get, the more it's just another day, you know?

Would you like me to get off your lawn?

Sorry, man. I don't mean all that stuff in a bad way. What I mean is that I know it really is just another day. I don't dislike New Year's Day or Eve by any means. I'm just not doing anything that distinguishes it from any other day. And that's fine.

What I do like this time of year --besides the time off, which is wonderful -- is all these lists and articles and podcasts about the best music of the year. 

I love those radio broadcasts. I feel like I get to discover new artists.

Exactly! It's exciting. There's this guy, Chris Staples, that I just discovered from NPR. He's fuckin' great.

You didn't make a best-of list this year. What happened, farmboy?

Basically, I put more time and energy into my own songwriting than I did paying attention to other songwriters. Which is necessary for me right now.

Now, that's a good thing.

Yeah, I'm pretty fuckin' pleased with it.

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