Sunday, January 17, 2016

Let's call him Gabriel

Three day weekend, day two. Right now I'm washing clothes and wondering if I want groceries badly enough to wait for the bus in the rain. What do you think, man?

The question is, farmboy, what do you think?

I say stay in and watch videos and order pizza. But, you know, the angel on my shoulder -- let's call him Gabriel -- says no, I've been eating too much bad food lately and that I should go to the market and buy something that's fuckin' healthy.

I don't know, farmboy. It is a three-day weekend and it is raining out there. I would take advantage of it while you can.

Well, if it stops raining, maybe I will. Meanwhile, the mystery remains and the tension mounts.

It's like a movie!

Hopefully, comedy will have ensue. Ensue? Is that a word?

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