Thursday, March 27, 2014

This is my vacation

Well, you know, I only have a few days left of Spring Break. But it's still, like, a long weekend. So I'm trying to relax and enjoy it.

What have you been doing, farmboy?

A whole lot of fuckin' nothing, man. I did prepare all the stuff for my tax guy. I've worked on music. I know I should have done more, but, fuck, man, this is my vacation and I really need to remember that. I give myself too hard of a time every time I have more than three days off.

From where I stand, farmboy, you're always giving yourself a hard time.

I know. I don't know exactly what to do about it, but I'm thinking about it, you know? It's hard. But hopefully someday I'll get there. I better.

What if you don't?

Oh, I will. Trust me.

I can't afford to have any doubt, man. I can't even go there. All this stuff that I've been trying to  accomplish all my life -- you know, confidence, health, music -- there's no finish line other than death, I suppose. And I have to keep going for it in whatever way I can.

And what, exactly, is "it," farmboy?

I'm not sure I know, man. But it's there. And, fuck, man, so am I.

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