Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Man, there has been so much going on, I don't know where to start. But I'm gonna start by self-editing, you know, verbal triage.


You know, the inverted triangle. The most important stuff first, and maybe only.

I've got nothing but time, farmboy.

Yeah, but...You know, I really only want to talk about two of them.

Whatever you say. I'm here.

First off, I'm loving this new song I'm working on. I've had the lyrics for a couple months, but I'm doing the rewriting thing with it. And it's got this new melody I really like, and I really like the guitar part, even though I wrote it to be played on the piano. And now that there's this piano at work, I can try that. too.

That's great, farmboy. You sound excited.

What's the second thing?

My health insurance co-pays are going down to $10 a visit. So I'm thinking -- just considering it right now -- getting some, well, therapy. Going to a counselor or something, you know, a licensed social worker person, like, maybe, twice a month. To talk about my music and my hesitancy to take it out much,,,well, maybe not "take it out" but talk about the business part and my hesitancy there.

My not believing in myself. I believe strongly in the music, but...

In your music, farmboy.

Yeah. My music.

Also, I want to combat...


...the fuckin' mental illness.

I'd seriously consider it, farmboy.

Believe me. I am.

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