Wednesday, April 16, 2014

All kinds of tired

I'm so fuckin' tired, man. I am all kinds of tired. I just had a cup of really strong coffee but I'm still just draggin'. 

So can you relax, farmboy? Do you have much that has to get done?

I'm doing okay. I need to play guitar for a little while and then I'm pretty clear. I don't know what I'm gonna do, though. I wish my iPod worked. I miss lying in bed, listening to podcasts. There's not a lot of good radio in Portland.

You've got NPR…

That's true. And there are some listener-supported non-commercial stations that are very good, I'll give Portland that.

So, anyway, I may just go lie down for a while. 

You have a good evening, farmboy.

Same to you, man. Don't let the fuckin' bedbugs bite.

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