Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's just fuckin' unhealthy, you know?

It's been a bad day and it's been a bad week and it all has to do with my fuckin' job, which I don't want to talk about because it's my fuckin' job. But the problem I have is that I obsess over things and I'm angry -- fuckin' furious, if you want to know the truth -- and I don't know how to stop thinking about it. And I need to. It's affecting my sleep, it's just doing this whole number on me. It's just fuckin' unhealthy, you know?

Any suggestions, o wise interviewer?

Do you have any marijuana, farmboy?

I wish, man. I just scraped the fuckin' bowl a couple hours ago. Looks like I'll be getting some on Friday, though. Thank God.

I just want you to remember that this is only one part of your life, and that this will pass. You have other parts that you can focus on: music, writing, friends, family. You have an album coming out in a few months.

You'll be fine, farmboy. You'll barely remember this someday. Don't let it get you so angry that the anger's going to consume you.

Thanks, man. I  will remember that. 

I hope so.

I hope so too.

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