Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I fuckin' crave safety

I have got to stop fuckin' worrying about every fuckin' little thing that happens in my life, man. I am in such sheer panic all the time. I'm always on watch, making sure I'm behaving properly so I don't get in trouble. I fuckin' crave safety like it's the best narcotic in the world. 

So what you're saying, farmboy, is that your life is basically the same as it's always been.

Hey! I'm being fuckin' serious here, man.

I know. So change it.

And how do I do that?

Stick up for yourself. Quit assuming that you have to always be last, that you always have to have the cheapest quality, that you're not deserving of anything more than the lowest level.

I've always felt that way.

I know. But you don't have to. You can change it, farmboy. Find a way that's comfortable to you.

farmboy, you're in the midst of change right now. I don't know if you know that, but you're changing, You've had enough.

I've had enough.

Use that to your advantage, farmboy.

Boy, I can't wait to hear the songs that come out of this.

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