Saturday, May 23, 2020

Don't get me started

Two months into this lockdown shit and I don't know how much more there is to come. Places are opening up but I can't help but think everybody is being premature with this. My life probably won't go back to normal until they have a vaccine readily available. I'm fuckin' scared as shit about the coronavirus, COVID-19. I'm just taking it day by day.

What do you think about the responses from the White House, farmboy?

Those people are so fucked up. Don't get me started on Trump. Seriously. Everyday he does something that royally pisses me off. What a selfish, evil asshole. I know we have to pay attention to what he says and does, but sometimes I can't take it. And his followers. What a bunch of fuckin' zombies. What a bunch of cry babies. Just like their fuckin' leader. 

Tell me how you really feel...

Don't get me started. I'll get really upset and angry and that won't do either one of us any good. I mean, I get really upset. I'm so fuckin' angry at that motherfucking-son-of-a-bitch I can barely speak. So I won't.

But you are, farmboy. I can tell how angry you are. Allow me to change the subject.

Nope. You're too late. I'm already angry and I'm in the mood for raging.

But I don't want to be raged at. I'm not ignoring the situation, I just don't want to be subjected to anyone's anger.

So let's quit talking about it.

That's what I'm saying.

You're right. I should meditate or watch TV or play guitar. Something other than wasting my time being concerned with something I hate.

That makes sense to me. What are you going to do instead?

Do what I always do. Pick up a guitar and do something worthwhile. This is how I live my life. I don't know what I would do without my guitar.

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