Saturday, June 6, 2020

I'm part of the fuckin' problem

I don't know what I'm gonna do, man. I don't want to do anything. The world -- the country -- is on fire and I'm not doing anything about it. I'm here at home under isolation because of COVID-19. I feel tremendously guilty. I know I should be out at a protest, but I don't know if it's wise to go. And even if I don't to a protest...well, I ain't doing nothing to help anybody. I'm part of the fuckin' problem.

You're being a little hard on yourself, aren't you, farmboy?

I don't know, man. I think about what I can do and there just isn't much. I don't have much money, but I can make small donations.

Have you written any songs about this?

No. I've tried, though, and it seems out of my realm. I don't know what to say. Maybe it's just time to listen and study for a while. That's what I'm feeling like.

I know exactly where I stand on all this stuff, the police brutality, the fuckin' Trump administration, all that shit. We have got to get him and his goons out of there. They're destroying this country. They're destroying human beings. He's got to be voted out.

There's a good chance he will be, considering his failure with the pandemic and...well, his failure in general. 

He's an evil man. That's all I know. And he's like a fuckin' cockroach, the way he doesn't go under.

That's partially because his fellow Republicans are can I put this...

I don't know. They're all, maybe, too cowardly...or maybe they think there's nothing wrong with what he's doing. Or maybe they're just slaves of their stupid political party. Goddamn, I'm just a songwriter. 

You say that like songwriters aren't smart enough to know what's going on.

I know. And that's wrong. I have my opinions and there's no shame in expressing them. I just want to be sure what I'm expressing.

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