So I've been thinking about teaching a course through the music store.
What would the class be about, farmboy?
Rewriting and editing songs. Something I've been doing for a long, long time.
I know.
So I need some help from you. I need you to be someone I can bounce ideas from. There are questions I need to ask myself before I present my application.
Okay. Here's a question for you. Why should a person take this course?
To go further in songwriting, to get the song to be what you really want it to be. To say what you want to say in the best possible way. And we do that by going over the song, pinpointing words and phrases that do not work. Now, I'm talking about lyrics here, but, really, the same goes for music.
It's kinda hard because I do a lot of stuff, especially music, by instinct. I find I need to get out of the way of the song, especially when I'm doing the initial writing. But what I do is play the song over and over, trying things out and making decisions about the song. I look at what's awkward, I look at what doesn't feel right. And, with time and patience, it works out. Hopefully.
So, basically, the main thing behind this class is helping you to trust yourself and write the best song possible.
What's another question, farmboy?
How do I plan to accomplish these goals? That's another question. One thing I really want to do is turn the class into a critique group. It would be where people would play their new songs for feedback. A big part of this is accepting criticism, and another part of it is knowing when to disregard criticism. A lot of it comes down to trusting yourself to know the best way you can write.
Another way would be to have class members bring in songs by other writers and analyse what makes the songs work. What makes them special. Learning by example, Let the class members find their own meanings. Don't tell them everything. Let them come up with ideas.
That sounds good, farmboy.
Thanks. I'm just starting. I'd like to continue this. Would you mind?
Of course not, farmboy.
Good. I'll be working on some stuff and then I'll come back. It really helps to have someone to talk about this to. Thank you.