Saturday, July 11, 2015

What the fuck is all this crap doing here?

What a summer this has been, man. The hits just keep on coming! The fuckin' heat wave is finally over and I've become obsessed with cleaning my apartment. And I mean cleaning.

That sounds like it could be a good thing, farmboy.

Oh, it is. This place, man, I'm just one step away from being one of those hoarders, you know? I see all this trash -- ibags and bags if it, those large 30-gallon trash bags -- and I think What the fuck is all this crap doing here?

But you're cleaning it all up, farmboy. That's great, because it sounds like it could be overwhelming.

It has been, I'll tell you that. It's one of the worst things about living with myself. I mean, it's like I never learned how to clean up. 

But that's changing...

Shit, man, I'm fuckin' changing, too. I sure hope it's for the better.

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