Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Little details

I'm exhausted. Life has been going so bad lately that I don't know what. I know, I know...I'm a fuckin' broken record when it comes to this stuff. If I didn't have songwriting as an outlet I don't know what I'd do. Creativity has been going well these past few months. It's the only thing that's going right. I still have my physical health, so that's something major that's good. I'm very thankful.

I'm glad that you recognize that, farmboy. It's important that you acknowledge the good things that go on in your life as well as all the frustrations.

Of which there are many.

I've been doing this thing every night before I go to bed where I look over the day and see what I'm grateful for. Sometimes it's hard, but there's always something. I like it best when I am grateful for little details in my life, like the orange flowers that I see on my walk or some silly little joke or something. 

That's a good practice. Combined with your daily meditation, that should improve your life at least a little. I see you trying, farmboy. I see you trying so hard. I want you to know that I notice. I want you to know somebody notices.

Thanks. That really means a lot to me, especially since it's so fuckin' lonely out here, trying to salvage my life. Right now I feel fairly calm, but these past few days have just been fuckin' fierce. I don't know how I'm going to make it out of the depths of depression a lot of the time. I'm not questioning why it has to be that way, I just want it to be over.

So I'm still working and I'm still going on. It's not much. but it's something.

Thanks for listening.

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