Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I don't have a fuckin' clue

It's the beginning of July. The first of July, to be exact. This pandemic thing...well, it's continuing. That's really all I can say about it. I know there's going to be a vaccine at some point, but it's going to take a while. In the meantime, a lot of people are being as fuckin' stupid as they can be about this. It's like they don't understand that we're in a fuckin' pandemic that really doesn't give a shit about what we think about it.

I can't believe how stupid some people are being about this, farmboy. We could have this under control if people would just think straight and wear masks and practice social distancing. 

I know, man. I have no idea how long this will all last if we keep crying and moaning about how the precautions are taking away our freedoms. I'd like to live, you know? But people are so fuckin' impatient. They have to get their fuckin' haircuts, they have to go out to bars and to the beaches. And now look at what's happening. 

It's horrible.

It's more than horrible. It's irresponsible and it's fuckin' selfish. What the fuck are these people thinking? C'mon, it's not that big a sacrifice to wear a fuckin' mask and distance yourself. 

Do you think things will improve, farmboy?

I have no idea. I don't have a fuckin' clue. I'm just taking everything one day at a time, just like Alcoholics Anonymous. I'm taking precautions. I'm not going out excessively. I but groceries every two weeks. I plan. I'm being careful. Lot a lot of people.

I would like things to improve, which is what the vaccine will do.

So what are you going to do until then?

Just the same old same old, you know? I'm going to continue being careful and I'm going to keep being informed. I know what I'm going to do. And I'm doing it.

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