Wednesday, October 14, 2020

on planet earth (rewrite 2)


I am not worried/ I know nothing will be okay/ I've finally accepted/ life doesn't go the way/ that you want/ that you expect it to/ there's a lot of things/ that aren't up to you/ but that's okay/ it's another day/ on planet earth

there's no common sense/ in anything I do/ I've worked every damned day/ to make it through/ the endless problems/ that you face/ as a member of/ the human race/ but that's all right/you hold on tight/ on planet earth

(bridge) I'll never know/ exactly who I am/ but that won't stop me/ from doing what I can

three in the morning/ I'm trying to cope/ looking for a reason/ to not give up hope/ I'm doing my best/ I try and I try/ as the world spins/ another day goes by/ but that's okay/ I'm on my way/ on planet earth/ not much to say/ but I'm okay/ on planet earth

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