Thursday, December 18, 2014

I'm on a sabbatical

So, as of today, I am car-free.

Carefree? It's good to see you being happy, farmboy.

No, you idiot. Car-free.  I sold my truck and I am now without a vehicle. I don't know for how long, but I've been carpooling and riding the bus for a month and a half now and it's okay. Really, it's okay. I think that it'll be healthier and I'll see how it goes financially.

Do you think you've quit driving for good?

Oh, fuck no. I'm on a sabbatical from being a car owner for a while. I'm sure I'll get another car someday. 

What about the finances?

I think it'll be cheaper than driving. But, as you know, driving is fuckin' expensive as all hell.

Well, farmboy, good luck in this new endeavor. I think this may be good for you, physically and financially. Maybe I'll try it myself.

If I were you, I'd wait to see how I do first.

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