Tuesday, January 27, 2015

But mostly it's music

Well, man, here it is, Tuesday, and I'm all ready for the fuckin' work week to end. Ain't that sad? I know I shouldn't be so negative.

It sounds pretty normal to me, farmboy.

Yeah,, I guess it is. Anyway, now I'm home and I shouldn't be thinking about my fuckin' job. I should be thinking about music and other good stuff.

What other good stuff?

Um….I don't know, man. My life is pretty filled up by music, you know. I know I should probably have other interests -- and I do -- but music is so ahead of everything else that it's just life to me.

So, let me ask you, farmboy. What other interests do you have?

You know, stuff like geography and maps and that kind of stuff. Watching videos of people doing dangerous things from high places, 'cause that scares me to death. I like looking up different animals on the computer and finding out all about their lives. Stuff like that.

But mostly it's music. And that's not a bad thing.

It's a good thing, I would say.

Oh, man, it's saved my fuckin' life. No wonder I'm obsessed by it.

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