Thursday, November 1, 2012

My new catchphrase

Fuck, man, it's been a bad day. Or at least a shitty afternoon. And I don't want to explain anything.

That's fine, farmboy.

Okay, I'll tell you. I'm fucked financially, so I had to ask my older brother for money, which I really hate doing. I mean, I still owe him money. But. fuck, everybody wants my fuckin' money! And, of course, I work in fuckin' pubic education where my paycheck has literally gone down. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

There's been more, but, man, I'm so fuckin' tired I don't want to get into it. Just a miserable frustrating pigfuck of a day.


That's my new catchphrase, man. You like it?

Yeah, me neither. I want to come up with something witty, but I don't feel witty.

It's hard to force wit.

Yeah. I'm not a real witty guy. Pisses me off.

Got my mind off of my money problems, though. If only for a minute or two.

That's something good, farmboy. 

Hey, I'll fuckin' take anything, man.

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