Thursday, August 28, 2014


I finished my first week back from the fuckin' job. 

Time to relax, eh, farmboy?

I want to. I'm all tense and full of anxiety.

Because of the job?

Because of life. I mean, it's all this fuckin' little shit, you know? Like the bathroom sink is clogged up and I ain't got no money for groceries and my job has started again which means back to unending anger and frustration. I mean, look, in many ways I have a great life. I have this passion for songwriting and music and sound and rhythm and lyrics. I had a job, so I have the means to pay my rent and bills most months. I give my fuckin' share of money so the corporations can make more profits and continue fucking over the working class.

But you digress…

You know, that's a funny word, digress. I mean, it sounds like a female dig, right?

Anyway, so there are a number of pluses in my life. There are any number of places in the world where people are fuckin' starving. Where people live in subhuman conditions. Where people are living under sadistic regimes. 

I am very fortunate. Unfortunately, I'm also very stressed about things that will mostly be forgotten about a week from now. I'll get through it. I'm just worried all the fuckin' time about something. It's always gotta be something. That's why I need to remember the night of the CD release concert.

That memory is always with you, farmboy.

What if I get Alzheimer's?

It'll still be somewhere. Knowing you, it'll be in something having to do with music.

I hope so.

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