Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Anvils and pianos

You know, man, life is like a fuckin' game of dodge ball. 

You're high, farmboy.

Well, yeah. Sure. But I'm also serious. In your normal day-to-day life you spend an astronomical amount of energy just dodging stuff. It's like anvils and pianos are falling down on you while you're walking down the avenue. 

Like those old cartoons?

Yeah. You know, the ones with the Raymond Scott soundtracks.

Great stuff.

Ain't it? Anyway, man, that's what life is like, one of those cartoons. I mean, it's the I-gotta-pay-those-bills or I better-pay-my-child-support 'cause they'll throw my fuckin' ass in jail if I don't type of stuff.

You have a point, farmboy. I never looked at it that way. I guess I don't think of my life as a never-ending experience with oppressive fear…

Hey! I never said that!

But there's maybe a little kernel of truth to what you're saying. But, man, I can't help it. I'm always having to dodge stuff. Sometimes my main source of happiness seems to be the relief of not having to experience ultimate catastrophe.

It's sad.

Actually, farmboy, I think there's truth in what we're both saying.

Yeah. Fuck, ain't this depressing?

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