Wednesday, November 18, 2015

It's amazing that it runs at all

Man, I gotta tell you, every fuckin' day at this fuckin' job is worse than the day before. Right now I'm trying to have lunch but it's impossible. It's like they're trying to take away all our lunches and breaks. Every fuckin' day, man, it's something else.

Is there anybody you can talk to, farmboy?

I'm trying not to call the union again. But, man, it's coming down to it. I can't believe how fuckin' out of control Portland Public Schools is. It's amazing that it runs at all. Man, I...

I'm so sorry, farmboy. Is there anything I can do?

You're listening, man, and I appreciate it. I just need to find a decent job for someplace where the people in charge know what they're doing and care enough to do it.

As if I'll ever find a place like that in public education. But miracles happen, right?

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