Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Things like hot cocoa

So tomorrow's Thanksgiving. What are you gonna do, man?

I'm going to spend the day with my son and his family. How about you, farmboy?

I'm eating dinner at the house of my friends Richard and Jim. They have a great tradition of having all these musicians come to their place. I went there last year and it was really, really a good time.

It's getting cold tonight, I hear.

Yeah, it's supposed to get into the 20s. It's gonna be fuckin' cold, that's for sure.

But, you know, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow morning when I won't have to get out of bed and I can just lay there and be warm. I went to Trader Joe's yesterday -- which was a fuckin' madhouse, by the way -- and bought things like hot cocoa so I can just stay cozy for the weekend.

That sounds wonderful, farmboy.

I'm sure it will be. I love that kind of suit, you know. Not actually going out in the weather, but being inside where it's warm and there is a guitar. That's all I want.

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