Friday, March 13, 2020

Freaked out big time

Man, this coronavirus thing has me absolutely freaked out big time. This is so fuckin' surreal. It's like one of those TV movies that is totally unbelievable.

How are you dealing with all this, farmboy?

The best I can. How about you?


I'm practicing self-care. I'm trying to keep my immune system up. I'm going to make soup today -- healthy food. Plenty of sleep. Water. I'm keeping up with the news but there are times where I can't read about it anymore. So I take a break. I'm reading this Ronan Farrow book, Catch and Kill. It's very good and very involving, which is what I need right now.

I'm playing guitar and practicing, and writing, and meditating. I'm getting some exercise, but it's raining today so I may not be able to get out and walk. 

This is all so fuckin' weird.

Tell me about it. I've also never seen anything like this, ever. I'm so glad you're taking care of yourself.

And you? Are you taking care of yourself?

I'm following the same measures you are, farmboy. Making sure that I can be in good health, as much as I can. I'm not going out in big crowds -- in fact, I'm barely going out. It's going to the grocery store and that's about it.

Yeah, I know. I just went to the store a couple of days ago. I got a ride from my brother's mother-in-law. 

Taking the bus right now -- I'm not saying it's bad, but you should really consider limiting trips.

I am limiting trips. I'm staying at home a lot.

That's good. I am, too. Let's keep in touch, help each other through this.

I will do that, Talk to you soon, man.

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