Monday, March 23, 2020

Making it through

So how's it going today, man?

Same old same old, as it is in the space and time. Strange days, but I'm making it through. It helps to hear another person's voice. How are you doing, farmboy?

Same here. I'm making it through. I'm figuring things out. I'm not as panic-stricken as I was for a while, but I still have my moments.

I think we all do.

Yeah, I think it's natural. You can't take this lightly, even though I know some people are. I'm taking good care of myself, eating well, sleeping, not getting high all the time. I've been playing a lot of guitar, singing a bunch, writing. Reading, doing crossword puzzles. As you said, we're making it through.

It's been strange and it's been frustrating, but I'm getting more of a handle on things. I'm trying not to get angry at the little shit that fuckin' happens all the time. Like my computer constantly fucks up, stuff like that.

I have been meditating, generally twice a day. And I've been walking, which is a little weird. But it's been beautiful spring days outside. Today's a little overcast, but I still might try to walk some later.

Well, I'm going to let you go. My fuckin' computer is fuckin' up again and I'm losing the connection. I've got to go try to be calm. Have a good day, man, and be safe. Take care.

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