Thursday, March 19, 2020

The right things

It's another day on planet Earth and I'm doing the best I can. I just spoke with my therapist; we hooked up over some video thing on my phone. Technology can be amazing.

Was it a good session, farmboy?

It was encouraging. I'm doing the right things. I'm basically in lockdown here, even though it hasn't been called yet. I'm working on ordering food from the grocery store to be delivered so I don't have to go out. My therapist thinks it's really important that I continue to call people so I don't feel so isolated.

I think that's a good idea as well. I know you reconnected with some old friends yesterday. How did that go?

It went great! It was so good to hear their voices. I've been calling up other people as well. I agree with my therapist that it's important. I'm so glad I have people that I can call, friendly voices.

I've got to figure out some way to deal with the fuckin' panic I have inside me. I'm doing everything that I'm supposed to do. I need to learn how to accept that and not worry. But it's hard.

Being in a state of panic isn't going to help you, farmboy.

Believe me, I know. It's wearing. I took a Klonopin last night. I'm trying not to take them very often so I don't have to go to the pharmacy.

This stuff is so fuckin' weird.

I know, right? It's like you said, it's surreal. But you're doing the right things, taking the right precautions. Hang in there, farmboy. One day, this will all be over.

I certainly hope so. I feel like I can't wait, but I know I'm going to have to.

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