Friday, October 28, 2011

Chocolate and coffee

So this has been one generic Friday. Pisses me off, working. I find I haven't had time to even really think about music, much less create it or work on the CD or anything.

That's got to be frustrating, farmboy. What is the status of working on the CD?

Next step is to work on the songs and then record them in the studio I plan to use, just me and the ol' guitar. I'm going to have to fuckin' know these songs, man. Backwards and forwards. Sideways, upside down. I've going to know these songs so fuckin' well that I could play them in a fuckin' hurricane, man.

Sounds like a lot of work.

Yeah, it is. I want to be in love with these songs. I want them to be as good as humanly possible. (laughs)

I can't wait to hear this, farmboy.

You know, I want to say "Neither can I," but I know that's not true. I want to go through the process. I want to savor it, like chocolate and coffee. This, for me, is like falling in love. As corny as it sounds, I just want to be under its spell.

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