Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just what the songs need

How are you doing, farmboy?

Okay, you know, for being in the dark about my job or my financial matters. It's a good thing about this Kickstarter stuff, I tell you, man. That's going well. Really well. I have a week to go and I'm, like, almost 90% there. Or I will be in fifteen dollars. So that's going better than my fuckin' real-life day job.

You're getting close to your goal.

Yep. It's a good feeling. I spent much of today trying to work out a tentative budget for the CD. You know, I do my dream CD where I spend too much money and my cheap CD where I see how frugal I can be, Today I worked on the frugal one, which will be closer to what I actually will do, thank God.

Thank God?

Well, I have to wear the producer's hat as well as the artist's hat and the artist wants to put all kinds of stuff on the CD while the producer wants to serve the songs as best as they can be served. Which, really, the artist does too. It's just that the artist is, you know, an artist wants to try all kind of stuff.

So what I'm mainly doing is trying out all kinds of things in my mind so I can figure out just what the songs need.

That's all very interesting, farmboy. Let me ask you, do you enjoy this process? Are you having fun?

Oh, it's a fuckin' blast, man! It's great fun and it's actually really exciting. I wish I could do this full-time, this being a musician.

There's still time.

You never know, man. I could still do it.

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