Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's just Wednesday, man

I am so fuckin' tired.

So go to bed, farmboy. It's after 10:00. If you go to bed and fall asleep now you could get a good night's sleep.

But I just got up! I came home from work and went to lay down at about 6:30 and I just woke up. There's got to be more to this life than just sleeping and working.

It's frustrating, I know.

And in a lot of ways I have it better than most people.

That's true. Everybody probably gets frustrated. And tired.

I wish it was Friday, man. So I could sleep late and smoke weed and drink coffee.

You could do that now, farmboy. I can't. I have to go to my stupid job and I'm trying not to smoke weed during the week.

That's good.

It sure makes getting off work on Fridays really special, I tell you what. But it's just Wednesday, man.

You're more than halfway through the week.

But I want it to be Friday now. (laughs)

Then I guess you're out of luck, farmboy.

Think I'll go back to sleep. Good night, man.

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