Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I can understand sadness

I'm so depressed. I've got money problems, no weed, summer break is over. There are prescriptions I need to buy, debts I need to pay, and I don't know what I'm gonna do. I can't borrow money from anybody and I don't know how I would pay it back if I could. I don't feel like writing. I don't feel like doing anything except getting high and buying groceries. And neither one of those is gonna happen any time soon.

You could get lucky, farmboy.

I doubt it, I really do. I don't feel like getting into self-pity though. Thankfully. Self-pity would just make everything worse. It's pretty useless, self-pity is. I mean, I can see depression. I can understand sadness, believe me. 

I just feel so fuckin' tired.

How are you sleeping?

Okay, I guess. I sleep way too much these days.

How much money do you need, farmboy?

About five hundred, six hundred. 

That's...a bit of money.

Don't I fuckin' know it. I don't need to think about it. I've thought about it way too fuckin' much, man. 

Anyway, that's what's going on. Sorry.

Don't be sorry. I'm here to listen, farmboy.

Thanks, man. I'm tired of listening to myself.

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