Sunday, August 11, 2013


So it's Sunday, the day that I'm supposed to meet my friend to buy some weed. But my friend's not home or not answering the fuckin' phone. Fuck.

You'll be okay, farmboy.

I know. I'm just disappointed, man. You know how you wait for something that's supposed to come and it's doesn't and then it;'s basically "wait more?"

I hate that. That's disappointment.

That's me right now, man. Fuck. I fuckin' hate waiting by the fuckin' phone all day and then nothing comes of it. Fuck.

You're angry.

It doesn't matter what I am, man. It's just one more of a long string of disappointments all in a row lately. I'm the fuckin' poster child for disappointment these days. 

So it doesn't fuckin' matter. Fuck.

Just wait, farmboy.

That's all I ever fuckin' do! That's what it'll fuckin' say on my tombstone: HE WAS GOOD AT WAITING. What's my secret? Lots of fuckin' practice, man. Want to go to a family reunion? Wait till next year. Want somebody to notice your music? Just wait, it'll come. Want to not be alone? Want to do better financially? 

Well, fuck this shit, man. Thanks for your ears. I'm gonna go back to waiting now. It's the only fuckin' thing I've ever been a success at. Not that anyone notices.

I need to be alone for a little while, man. Hope you understand.

I'll call you tomorrow, farmboy.

I should be around. Waiting.

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