Saturday, September 22, 2012


You know, man, it's probably not a good thing 'cause it's, like, 9:30 at night, but I'm thinking about making a good ol' cup of coffee. 

It's Saturday night, farmboy. Knock yourself out.

(farmboy goes to put a teapot of water on the stove.)

Man, this is the fuckin' life. Marijuana and fresh coffee. Pretty fuckin' amazing, if you ask me.

So what have you done today?

Not a whole fuckin' lot, which is a luxury. I read. I'm reading this book called What is the What by Dave Eggers. It's a fictionalized account of this guy from Sudan who was one of the "lost boys" who walked from Southern Sudan to start a new life. It's really good, really well written.

And, you know, I played guitar and went to the grocery store.

What did you buy?


Smart ass.

I bought, um, cheddar cheese, which is a big luxury. I bought milk. I guess I'm more into dairy than I thought. I bought some high-fiber oatmeal cereal to go with the milk. Got some nectarines, which were on sale. I love nectarines.

So now I'm just resting, man. You know, maybe it's because I'm reading this Dave Eggers' book about this young man -- a child, really -- in Sudan, but I'm amazed how much of my life is a luxury.

It's good that you're aware of that, farmboy.

I don't know if it's necessarily good or not. All I know is that we're fuckin' blessed, man.

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