Saturday, September 29, 2012

Luxury of everyday life

So I got paid yesterday and I finished up the performance grant last week -- you know, going to the hospital and playing for kids with disabilities. So, get this, man -- bills are paid, groceries are bought, gasoline is in the car. Life is normal.

Of course, the down part to all of this is having to go to My Fuckin' Job for the majority of my precious time in my too-short life. But I ain't thinkin' about that now, man. I am basking in the luxury of everyday life.

Feels good, does it, farmboy?

It's pretty wonderful. I feel, like, wait till the medications that I haven't been taking come in the mail. Man oh man.

Wait. What's this about medications?

It's nothing serious, man. I've had to go a few days without a couple of medications but it's ordered and it's coming and everything will be all right.

I hate to lecture you, farmboy...

Look, man, I couldn't fuckin' afford them. I'm well aware of the dangers of going on and off medications, but this could not be helped. I didn't even have enough credit to charge them.

Okay, farmboy, I apologize. I'm sorry.

So, anyway, I got Chinese food and marijuana and life is good.

Sounds good.

Oh, man. The best.

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