Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm Superman

I'm sad, man, I'm so fuckin' sad. Sunday nights, man, they're just so fuckin'...


Yeah, exactly. That's the word for it.

But, anyway, it was a good weekend. My birthday was really nice and I got a three-day weekend out of the deal. 

Did you play any music this weekend, farmboy? 

I did. I mean, it was just at home, but I played and sang. And in my life, that counts for something.

You know, it's funny, but I've been thinking lately about how I can make up rules for my own life. Fuck, man, I've been on this earth for how long? And I'm just figuring this out now?

Just be thankful that you've figured it out, farmboy. Some people never figure anything out, it seems. But you're not one of those.

I try not to be. I try to have some sort of ambition in my life, you know?

I need to think more about all this rule stuff. I need to find a way to make it work out in my favor. (laughs)  I want to use my power for good. I'm Superman. I'm a fuckin' action hero, that's what I am, man.

That's actually a pretty good reference, actually.

All I need is the cape.

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