Wednesday, May 3, 2017

trouble's back in town

trouble's back in town
and trouble's looking for you
trouble's out on the streets
asking everyone it meets
if they know where you're around
if they know where you'll be found
oh, trouble
trouble's back in town

you should have stayed away
you had trouble off your trail
but trouble kept looking
trouble kept cooking
and now trouble's here to remind you
it knows where to find you
oh, trouble
trouble's gonna wine and dine you
and show you a good time
you got trouble

          trouble's back in town
          trouble's back in town

trouble be my witness
trouble fear my strength
someday you're gonna fight back
with everything you got
and on the double
trouble's gonna get real hot
but not as hot as you
can get when something holds you down
oh, trouble
yes, trouble
trouble's back in town

          trouble's back in town
          trouble's back in town

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