Saturday, April 4, 2020

Soup is a vehicle for vegetables

I am so bored. But that's better than being anxious, being scared. I'll take it any day.

So, farmboy, how's the self-quarantine going?

It's actually going well. I'm keeping informed, but I'm not obsessed. It's mainly boring, but I'm becoming a better guitarist through this. I've been really practicing, really working. Been working on a new song, "Walking Each Other Home." It needs work but it's getting there. I heard an interview with the great Stephen Sondheim where he talked about knowing what you want to say before you start worrying about writing, and that made an impact. He's such a good writer.

How are you doing, man?

I'm doing okay, farmboy, thanks for asking. I just got groceries delivered so I'm happy.

I know that feeling. My brother just brought by some groceries. I now have decaf coffee and half and half!

You can live it up!

My goal is to not each much processed food during this time. I need to stay healthy, I need to keep my immune system strong. Plus, it just feels better. Hey, I have bananas and tangerines and frozen mixed vegetables for soup.

Soup is good. It's comforting and it can be pretty healthy.

That's why I eat it, I think. Soup is a vehicle for vegetables.

So, I'm just checking in. I'll probably go back to playing more guitar sometime today. It's good that I don't have to deal with some fuckin' job right now, I tell you.

Well, farmboy, you have a good day. I'm glad you're at peace.

Me, too, man. You take care of yourself. Be careful out there.

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