Thursday, April 16, 2020

Under the circumstances

So there's, like, a half-hour until my therapist and I have a video session. I'm trying to figure out what to say. It hasn't been a bad week but it could have been better. I'm having problems getting started with stuff, like the fuckin' forms I have to fill out for social security, that kind of thing. I might be a little depressed, which is understandable under the circumstances. 

What do you feel you need to talk to your therapist about, farmboy?

I guess all that stuff that I just mentioned. Maybe I need to talk about the stuff I should be doing, like the forms, and the fear that I have about things like that.

I also feel like I've been doing pretty well this past month and now the novelty -- or whatever you want to call it -- has worn off. I keep needing to waste time because I am just so fuckin' bored, like everybody else right now.

So this is all weighing on you now.

I don't want to seem ungrateful. I have not pretty good. I have food, I have shelter, my plumbing problem has been fixed. I have a guitar and I have ways to express myself artistically. There are people I can call to talk to if I get lonely. I actually have it pretty good compared to a lot of people.

It sounds to me like part of this is pretty normal, under the circumstances. Everyday probably feels like the day before.

It does. The best part of the day for me is going to bed at night. But that's to be expected.

so what are you going to talk to your therapist about?

Pretty much all the things I have been telling you. I'm so glad that we can have these video sessions. He helps a lot, you know.

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