Tuesday, April 21, 2020

when work is over

when work is over
there will be cheering in the hall
it will be just like a party
and it will include us all
we'll be dancing on the desktops
returning to the human race
we'll bash all the computers
it'll be just like "Office Space"
did you ever see that movie?
it's something you can trust
it's like the entire country
it's exactly like us

when work is over
it'll be like what you wished
there'll be sex upon the copier
you'll be drinking like a fish
till you've had too much
throwing up in the waste basket
but it won't matter tomorrow
you're gonna move right past it
did you ever see a prisoner
on the day that he's been set free
look in the mirror, pal
he looks like you and me

when work is over
it won't matter anymore
you'll be poor and live in sweatpants
but you'll be free just like before
and you'll live that way
till the bottom falls right out
then you'll shake your fists at the sky
and yell "What's this all about?
I'm talking like a beggar
I'm dressing like a slob
but you still won't think it's time
to get another job

when work is over
and there's nothing left to do
you'll look at yourself and wonder
whatever became of you

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