Saturday, September 12, 2020

I'm not going out there


Another day of fires here in Oregon. The sky is more than dreary; it's smoky and smells like a gigantic campfire. There's nothing good about this. I don't know when this will, literally, blow over. I'm hearing next week, but I'm also hearing that it will get worse. I don't know.

I don't know what I'm going to do today. Probably read a lot. Probably play guitar. I'm kinda hungry, but I'm doing that intermittent fasting stuff where you eat all your calories in an eight hour period. It kinda sucks but it's not too bad. I feel kinda bad because I'm not walking, but I know how unhealthy the air quality is, so I'm not going out there.

So, all in all, it's just another day, except it's got fires and smoke and there's a pandemic going on and our so-called president is a fuckin' asshole and I want him out of there in November. That's all. It's just another day in a great big world.

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