Tuesday, April 25, 2023

I am a weed (rewrite 1)

I am a weed and you don't like me
you say I'm something you don't need
but I'm as precious as a flower
both of us were born from seeds
I know you have your reasons
you want your garden to be just so
but I survive all four seasons
and I have the right to grow

I am a weed and you try to harm me
with chemicals and well-gloved hands
the winter cold may alarm me
but roots support me where I stand
you're convinced I don't belong
and you believe I shouldn't stay
but weeds don't know right from wrong
they keep on growing anyway

I am a weed and we do our duty
so you might as well enjoy the view
if you look, you'll see our beauty
the same life force as you
leave us alone to our own being
because we are not hurting you
and respect those weeds you're pulling
because we've got a job to do

I am a weed and you don't like me

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