Fuck, man, J.D. Salinger died.
Yeah. He lived a long time, though. He was 91 years old.
Yeah, but, but, it's sad, you know. I'll be reading stuff, you know, and then Bang! There it goes again, the headline about J.D. Salinger.
I know you know this, but it's okay to feel sad. Just be quiet, breathe a little, and let yourself be sad.
Are you a therapist or something?
No, but that brings up something I wanted to ask you. Have you ever thought about seeing a professional about those emotional issues you talk about?
It's emotional problems. Not issues.
All right. So what do you think?
I've seen counselors, psychologists, even a couple of psychiatrists, since I was like 19.
It helped quite a bit, actually. After a while, though, I get bored with myself and I feel sorry for the doctor or whoever. Even though he's getting paid.
I would and should go right now, but I really can't afford it. That's part of the money problem thing.
Gotta play more gigs, farmboy.
Man, don't I know it.
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