Sunday, January 17, 2010


You all right? I've been worried about you.

I'm okay. I feel like crying. I feel fragile.

That doesn't sound okay to me.

I think the last time we talked I got kinda spooked. I don't open up, really open up, to nobody. And I'm so afraid that if I do, I won't be able to stop. Like I'm this...this volcano, and if, like, if I start letting these feelings out, then I'm going to erupt, and then I'll never stop. But, man, everything's building up and it's so much work holding it together. Fuck. I don't know what I'm going to do.

You know you're safe talking to me.

How do I know that? I mean, I don't know anything.

And you don't trust anybody...

Oh. man. I'm in some big time trouble here. I mean, emotional trouble. I get these problems, this depression stuff and this overwhelming belief that I'm a shithead, I have no right to anything. And that conflicts with my belief in my songs, my music. Fucking conflict, man.

Thanks for telling me to get rest the other night. It was nice to hear somebody say that.

You're welcome.

Get some rest?

Get some rest.

You'll be here tomorrow?

Talk with you then. Get some rest. Take care of yourself. Drink some water once in a while. Eat vegetables. Play guitar. But mostly, calm down. Try not to panic. Breathe.


Good night.

Good night.

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